NOT YET EVENING Quiz - online QUIZ in which you need to use your logic, knowledge and erudition!
"Google" is useless (practically), "shazam" will not work (at all), you need to trust the team members and your knowledge. Also, you will need a smile and a good mood!
In this QUIZ you will find questions and facts related to cinema, music and popular culture!
Join us!
Start of the game:
February 23 / 16.00 (GMT+1)
Click on the button and go to the ZOOM conference
ЕЩЕ НЕ ВЕЧЕР Квиз - онлай-квиз, в котором вам необходимо применить свои знания, логику и эрудицию!
"Гугл" бесполезен (практически),"шазам" не поможет (вообще), а вот помощь коллег будет обязательной. А еще улыбка и хорошее настроение станут залогом успеха!
В КВИЗе вас ждут вопросы и факты, связанные с кино, музыкой, рекламой и многими другими популярными темами!
Начало игры:
23 февраля / 16.00 (GMT+1)
Нажмите на кнопку ZOOM, чтобы присоединиться к игре

What it is?
Online quiz is an entertaining and intellectual team game in which you have to answer fun, informative, entertaining questions! You have to be part of a team to win the game
What is waiting for you?
In each round, questions of a different format are waiting for you: text, a question with pictures, video and music. You will use logic, erudition, knowledge from the school curriculum and will be able to look into the "mind halls"!

Technical support will be available in the general chat of the broadcast. There it will be possible to communicate between teams or ask technical questions.